The international community undoubtedly has a central role to play in supporting social and economic reform in the middle east
detailsTo ensure the future prosperity of the Middle East, its governments and citizens must ask themselves if new technologies are being designed and adapted to meet real social needs
detailsA showdown on ground so symbolic to Islamists might actually play in favor of those opposed to the vision espoused by radical Islamists
detailsThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the lynchpin issue that will determine whether the region’s future will be one of peace and prosperity
detailsIn the Middle East, the refugee debate is not nearly as loud, but it is no less passionate
detailsMore than war even, climate change is making the region uninhabitable
detailsLow-trust societies participate disproportionately less in international commerce, and attract less investment
detailsMark Sykes and François Georges-Picot aimed to devise a plan that would enable Great Britain and France to avoid a ruinous rivalry in the Middle East
detailsWars and terrorism are stressful. The traumatised have nowhere to turn
detailsongoing conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa are depriving more than 13 million children of an education
detailsOn May 16, 1916, in the middle of World War I, Great Britain and France signed a secret pact in London. Officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, the deal, negotiated by the diplomats Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot