Annabaa forum for dialogue held an extensive discussion entitled " Coronavirus Aftermath". Mr. Serdar Herki, a legal expert and a member of Annabaa Forum for Dialogue, delivered the lecture.

Annabaa forum for dialogue held an extensive discussion entitled " Coronavirus Aftermath". Mr. Serdar Herki, a legal expert and a member of Annabaa Forum for Dialogue, delivered the lecture.

Members of the parliament participated in the discussion along with academics, media professionals, and intellectuals. The session was managed by the forum director, a researcher, Ali Al-Talikani, and Dr. Alaa Al-Silawi, a Law professor at the University of Kufa, on Saturday, Jun. 20th 2020 through online apps due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lecture's summary

• The consequences of coronavirus are worse than disasters and wars of quarantine, economic recession, and devastating circumstances.

• The pandemic has inspired a new lifestyle of developing education, markets, and every aspect of life.

• Coronavirus outbreak has accelerated the international conflict and gave it greater momentum. Since this outbreak, China has been heavily criticized; not for being the origin of the virus, but for their poor actions toward this virus and allowing around 7 million infected people to travel around the world.

• The oil will no longer be the main engine of American policy in the middle east. This came as a result of a variety of energy sources and the surfacing of Oil shale. The US policy will no longer use 150,000 soldiers in the middle east, but they will resort to its financial and diplomatic potentials as well as their dominance over international organizations to control the world with their resources.

• Coronavirus aftermath will leave the world in deep turmoil overshadowed by the Chinese American conflict. The regional conflicts will expand after the deterioration of their security. Turkey will be given a larger expansion space, while Iran is on a totally different path as the United States settled their argument eventually.

• Many corporates will use different business methods since everything will go electronic similar to what social media companies work on. Deflation will take over the economy whereas the countries will provide loans to facilitate developing electronic trade.


• Iraq needs diversification of income sources, a dire need for proper management, technocrat expertise, and assigning a larger budget for public healthcare.

• Taking into account the humanitarian aspect during the pandemic especially the deprived class that needs our attention.

• Reforming international organizations that can take people to a safe harbor away from the governments.

• We need to have an open mind for different solutions, we are facing either mass death or economic recession.

• The world needs international collaboration regarding the environment, climate stability, and public healthcare.

• Iraq requires a major transition towards an electronic government to take urgent measures regarding this pandemic.

• We need to update our laws to keep up with coronavirus aftermath's developments.

• Authority should not be restricted to the government to prevent agendas of misuse of the pandemic repercussions in stifling freedoms and human rights.

• Iraq does not have enough time for transition nor a solid plan for this pandemic. Such countries lack the vision for development and fail to meet the needs of their peoples will ultimately suffer from disasters.

• Legal and banking restrictions must be reduced.

• The world requires unified policies for climate change and power management to save the human race and to maintain the primary natural resources for as long as possible.
