The tensions between Ukraine and Russia heated up this week. It didn’t help that Biden called Ukrainian President Zelensky and told him that Kiev would soon be...
detailsAlthough NATO/Russian relations have been tensing since the Russian incursion into Ukraine in 2014, the numbers of flashpoints have escalated recently. Belarus, with Russian help...
detailsBrinkmanship between the military forces of major powers has been a part of international relations for centuries. Although they risked war, these provocations also allowed militaries to train their forces
detailsThe basics of the policy is that about one third of the American forces in Germany will redeploy to forward NATO nations or bases on American soil.
detailsTurkey, which has been westward looking since the days of Ataturk, has become NATO’s fickle partner since Erdogan has come to power. That is best seen in the fight over the Russian S-400 air defense system and the American F-35 fighter aircraft.
detailsAs the transatlantic alliance turns 70, Georgia—situated on Russia’s doorstep—desperately hopes to join.