The ministry of transportation, the state company of railways, held a meeting with Turkish Commercial Attaché and its entourage in Baghdad...

By:Ali Altalaqani

The ministry of transportation, the state company of railways, held a meeting with Turkish Commercial Attaché and its entourage in Baghdad to discuss the issue of linking railways with Turkey.

This meeting is an outcome of the Turkish ambassador’s visit to the minister of transportation, Hussain Al-Shibli, last Monday to discuss the issue of linking railways and means of economic co-operation for the common interest of both countries.

The director of railways company, Talib Al-Hussaini, emphasized on the importance of operationalizing railways linking through (Rabiah and Fishakhabor) borders’ check points. In addition to discussing the technical aspects related to railways linking and possible future railways projects yet to consider investing in.

Al-Hussaini added: the two side also discussed the mechanism and methods to track into executing these critical projects for what profits can be achieved.
