it is crucial to undermining the ideology of ISIS and weakens his fighters on the battleground, starting from sabotaging

Despite ISIS's downfall on the ground and eliminating most of its leaders in Iraq and Syria, the organization regrouped and started attacking civilians reiteratively. Consequently, the international society must unit its powers and hit this ideology.

The researcher in terrorism issues, Ali Altalikani, said in his interview with Annabaa News Agency: it is crucial to undermining the ideology of ISIS and weakens his fighters on the battleground, starting from sabotaging its military potentials and trace back its internet servers to stop their propaganda.

Altalikani adds: through firm cybersecurity can the specialized security services deal with the enemies on the digital field. Through using a well-structured time-bound plan, the security devices can make a strong and concentrated cyber-attack.

The researcher says: there are still some gray areas (security holes) that may allow ISIS to count on technology for publicity, commanding, leading, planning, and attack.

Altalikani refers to earlier experiences: these strategies were used previously to recruit fighters for their alleged Caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.

The researcher proceeds by saying: ISIS resorted to this strategy of recruiting due to its low cost for making a surprising attack, thus we are required to counter these attacks by securing security holes and undermining those ideologies and propagandas.

Mr. Ali concluded his interview by saying: it is critical to enforce cyber strategies via military joint-operations as it is considered a modern warfare sign. At the same time, the researcher emphasized on taking this path must be under thorough supervision and in a way that assures privacy and ethics.

