Annabaa News Agency revealed the details of new Iraqi invented medicine for bird flu and Newcastle disease by the agriculture expert Professor Saad Abd Al-Hussain Al-Timimi.

Annabaa News Agency revealed the details of new Iraqi invented medicine for bird flu and Newcastle disease by the agriculture expert Professor Saad Abd Al-Hussain Al-Timimi.

According to the medicine manifest, it said: after twenty years of research, a group of scientists in the agriculture college at the University of Baghdad managed to invent this product which proved its upper hand over other foreign microbial products over several studies in different Iraqi Universities.

The professor said: the product is a combination of Immunoglobulins created by immune lymphocytes designed to kill the viruses of Bird Flu, Newcastle disease, and infectious bronchitis.

The treatment is delivered through an Iraqi injection that goes under the neck’s skin, and provides Iraqi protein center which consists of six qualities at same time.

The Iraqi protein center is high in value and a vital booster as well as it stimulate the immunity system and treats the intestinal infections.
