Washington should use its military soft-power to help Iranians and further drive a wedge between Iranians and the IRGC as well as isolate the IRGC ideologues within the system.
messages.detailsIt is a truism that Iraqis disappointed in their results often imagine cheating rather than acknowledge their own failures to appeal to a broader electorate
messages.detailsUnder President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has turn toward terrorism is well established
messages.detailsToday the United States and YPG have become partners. What happened?
messages.detailsfear of Saudi Arabia drove recent Qatari policy and emphasizes the importance of the Qatari-Saudi border dispute
messages.detailsit is time to recognize that the forced inclusion of the Kurds in Iraq has not worked for us or for the Iraqis
messages.detailsEven if Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s caliphate ends, he has already laid the groundwork for its successors
messages.detailsThis is what the Saudis have done with Wahhabism. The oil money has enabled them to spread this fanatical, destructive form of Islam all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the west
messages.detailsA showdown on ground so symbolic to Islamists might actually play in favor of those opposed to the vision espoused by radical Islamists
messages.detailsSykes-Picot was a blessing for many in the Middle East. There is no way to divide borders and create homogeneous states