While the single market is a valuable asset, it cannot be Europes sole frame of reference. To become an effective strategic actor, the EU must make the most of all of the tools at its disposal, and that requires developing a compelling strategic vision an
detailsPoor coverage of Britains withdrawal from the European Union risks creating a democratic deficit and storing up resentment for the future.
detailsDespite the likelihood of a harder-than-expected Brexit, and the certain loss of the so-called passport, which would allow financial services to be sold freely across the EU...
detailsThe conservatism of Edmund Burke has long served as a source of frustration for radicals, and as a necessary restraint against destructive root and branch reforms.
detailsThe United Kingdoms bid to withdraw from the European Union is typically characterized as a dramatic manifestation of British nationalism.
detailsWhen people are more able to shape their own futures, they are less likely to be convinced that others are to blame for their plight.
detailsThe British prime minister must choose between politics and principle when it comes to pulling her country out of the European Union. Tony Blair’s experience offers a lesson.
detailsAt the recent World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, participants made the same mistake they always do
detailsIn the two years since the Brexit referendum, the United Kingdoms global influence has been significantly diminished.
detailsPerhaps the recent attack on a former Russian agent in a quiet English country town will be enough to show Brexiteers that a Britain alone is a Britain vulnerable
detailsAfter the “Leave” camp won the referendum, the Conservative Party, split over withdrawal from the EU
detailsThe pro-EU Macron seemingly headed toward the Élysée Palace – the establishment candidates on the right and the left who lost in the first round have already endorsed him – the immediate threat to the EU and the eurozone seems to have subsided
detailsDonald Trump’s campaign for the American presidency also seems to draw on this understanding of democracy
detailsThe first uncertainty is the date when exit negotiations will start
detailsPerhaps understanding the parallels between the two campaigns will help US voters avoid taking a similar path in November
detailsThe vote for Brexit was a great shock; the morning after the vote, the disintegration of the European Union seemed practically inevitable
detailsOnce the U.K. is out, the fundamental principle of free movement will no longer apply
detailsHas Brexit paved the way for the decline of one of the EU’s most dynamic economies and the end of London’s reign as a global financial center?
detailsXenophobia and the far right may big the biggest threat to security and could boost ISIS
detailsReferendums aren’t binding. Just ask the Greeks, who voted to reject EU austerity measures and then saw their government cave anyway
detailsHow to minimise the damage of Britain’s senseless, self-inflicted blow
detailsThe basics of what happens next are outlined in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty