The tensions between Ukraine and Russia heated up this week. It didn’t help that Biden called Ukrainian President Zelensky and told him that Kiev would soon be...
detailsAlthough NATO/Russian relations have been tensing since the Russian incursion into Ukraine in 2014, the numbers of flashpoints have escalated recently. Belarus, with Russian help...
detailsWith German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her way out, and America still vulnerable to Trumpism, Germans can neither rely on their traditional protector nor pursue outright strategic autonomy...
detailsThe election and other factors provide an opportunity to design a humbler but smarter transatlantic approach to the Middle East.
detailsScottish advocates of leaving the United Kingdom need a plan for a new currency and an independent central bank...
detailsThe US is ruthlessly waging an intense Hybrid War on Russian energy interests in Europe by targeting the Eurasian Great Power’s relevant projects in Germany, Belarus, and Bulgaria, banking on the fact that even the partial success of this strategy would g
detailsThe basics of the policy is that about one third of the American forces in Germany will redeploy to forward NATO nations or bases on American soil.
detailsThe COVID-19 crisis has pushed Europeans strategic thinking about China – already shifting because of three developments – past the tipping point. After years of pursuing closer bilateral economic ties, Europeans suddenly realize that they have become dan
detailsLong held up as a model for Europe, the United States is now also suffering from balkanization, internal competition, out-of-touch and short-sighted leadership
detailsThe West has long stigmatized mask-wearing, unlike in many Asian countries, where those who do not wear masks during public-health crises are the ones who are stigmatized.
detailsBased on Chinas experience with COVID-19, the fiscal cost of comprehensive compensation for lost income could reach 10% of annual GDP, and as much as 25% of GDP in the US and Europe if the epidemic turns out to be worse there, which now looks likely. Thes
detailsWhile the single market is a valuable asset, it cannot be Europes sole frame of reference. To become an effective strategic actor, the EU must make the most of all of the tools at its disposal, and that requires developing a compelling strategic vision an
detailsIn its ongoing efforts to influence world affairs, Russia is waging campaigns both bloodless and bloody. A significant number of its tactics fall in the space between routine statecraft and direct and open warfare, a space sometimes referred to as the gra
detailsAfter years in which the European Council acted as if there were no qualified women to lead the European Central Bank, it has finally abandoned that ludicrous excuse and appointed Christine Lagarde to the position.
detailsIn the two years since the Brexit referendum, the United Kingdoms global influence has been significantly diminished.
detailsThe opposite of populist nationalism is not globalist elitism; it is economic realism. And in the end, countries such as Britain, the United States
detailsThe euro may be approaching another crisis. Italy, the eurozones third largest economy, has chosen what can at best be described as a Euroskeptic government
detailsAs the country ditches cash, criminals turn to stealing owls.
detailsPessimism afflicts those who have lost out economically
detailsTrump decision to revisit the deal and to pressure the allies to help fix it
detailsSyria’s war is not over, but a growing number of German policymakers are trying to revoke asylum and send Syrians back home
detailsThe election upended a governing coalition that had avoided desperately needed reforms for too long
detailsSpain declared the referendum illegal and invalid